Basic Skills Level 2 (for those who have already taken PKGTN or Basic Skills Level 1)
Wed, Nov 02
|TailWaggersK9Sport Dog Gym
Learn how to teach your pup the basic skills required for everyday life, dog must have some basic skills for this session. Ideally you will have completed PKGTN with us - if you have not please contact us first. 4 Week Course/1 hour per week Cost $125

Time & Location
Nov 02, 2022, 6:45 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. EDT
TailWaggersK9Sport Dog Gym, 573 Lubitz Rd, Pembroke, ON K8A 6W6, Canada
About the event
This course builds on the techniques learnt during our PKGTN and Bsic Skills Levle 1 course.
Basic Skills - Enhancing you dogs desire to work with you is key to establishing good training practices and instilling key life skills for your dog.
This course will help you in developing your dogs skills around a number of areas including Impulse Control, Polite Greetings, Loose Leash Walking etc. This course also inlcudes an introduction into dog body language.
This course is currently in-person.
All dogs must be up to date with vaccinations (Vet Certificate required this includes Bordetella) a copy of the vaccination should be sent in advance of class.
Dogs must be house/toilet trained.
Dogs must be able to work on leash with other dogs in the area, (if you are looking to 'socialize' your dog, please contact us - before booking)
Instructor: Hannah Hall
Dates:November 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd
Max 3 dogs per class, may include outdoor work.
A following cousre Basic Skills 3 will be avialble (note this course is not offered monthly)