The purpose of this page is to let you know of things we planning - why? because many have asked about dates for things like trials etc and want to keep their weekends free. We also love the fact that you want to come back to our trials.
The dates specified below are for guidance, trial dates will be marked as approved when they are approved and not open for registration. Some dates may change (if trials not get approved or if unforeseen circumstance occur necessitating the need).

Tracking Dates with Susan Reed
May 11th/12th and Oct 5th/6th 2024
CARO Trial Dates
March 23rd, Martha Fortier Working & Mainstream (Awaiting Approval)
June 8th/9th 2 day trial with Pat Hunt and Deana Abbott - Mainstream and Working (Awaiting Approval)
Nov 23rd, Chantelle Charlebois TBD
SDDA Trial Dates
Spring August 10th - Yvonne Ferguson Advanced & Excellent (awaiting approval)
Fall 2024
Rats Canada - Trials and Workshops